Sunday, November 17, 2019

Communication and Motivation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Communication and Motivation - Research Paper Example mmunication and motivation is widely considered to be one of the most effective leadership styles in the contemporary real world organizational management. Many recent empirical researches have revealed that employees normally feel disengaged from their organizations or work when they do not have feelings of emotional connection. On the other hand, proper communication and motivation of the workers and subordinates not only allow them to effectively carry out their day to day activities but also inspire them to challenge themselves and each other to greater performance. According to Yukl (2002), leaders and managers are increasingly incorporating communication and management in their leadership styles to enable them develops conditions in their workplaces that generate commitment, excitement and energy. For example, in most cases, managers, supervisors and top executives normally spend a significant amount of their time communicating to others in their day to day activities. . Some of the key potential benefits of this leadership style include allowing followers to work while informed of the organizational goals thus making them work better; making employees feel more appreciated thus resulting into increased productivity and providing leaders with an avenue to exert influence over their subjects. In addition, it is widely believed that employees tend to respond more enthusiastically to the leadership when they feel motivated, respected and inspired. Contrary to just giving orders, managers should develop tactics of helping their teams and the company to achieve its strategic goals. Generally, through communication, executives can easily build employee confidence in their leadership, enable them understand the general strategy of the company and identify their areas of contribution to the organization. However, different organizational cultures require different leadership styles in order to effectively communicate and motivate their workforce. This paper

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